Oculoplastic Surgery
What is Blepharoplasty?
Blepharoplasty, also called eyelid surgery, is a procedure that can help with wrinkles, puffiness, and sagging around the eyes. While it’s mainly used for cosmetic purposes, it can also help with vision problems from drooping eyelids by improving your visual field.
By removing excess fat and skin around the eyes, blepharoplasty gives patients a younger, revitalized appearance. Depending on the results that you want to achieve, your doctor at Specialty Eyecarè Centre may recommend upper blepharoplasty, lower blepharoplasty, or both.
Upper Blepharoplasty
Upper blepharoplasty removes excess tissue from the upper eyelid. This can either be to improve the look of droopy or hooded eyelids or to help you see better if the excess tissue is impairing your vision.
Your surgeon at Specialty Eyecarè Centre will create a small incision in the natural crease of your upper eyelid. The incision won’t be visible while your eyes are open.
They will then carefully remove the unwanted skin and fat and close the incision. Afterward, you can enjoy a smoother, refreshed look and feel more confident in both your appearance and vision.
Lower Blepharoplasty
If you are struggling with dark circles, puffiness, and bags under your eyes, lower blepharoplasty can help you look more lively and energized. Your surgeon will redistribute or remove any excess skin from your lower eyelid through a tiny incision below your lower eyelash line or inside the lower eyelid.
This can make your skin look tighter, smoother, and more youthful.
Are you interested in enhancing your beauty with blepharoplasty? Schedule an appointment at Specialty Eyecarè Centre in Bellevue, WA, today to start your journey to a refreshed, revitalized you!