Spring Allergies: The Cause and How You Can Reduce Your Exposure. | The Specialty Eye Care Centre

Spring Allergies: The Cause and How You Can Reduce Your Exposure.

Woman Holding a FlowerWell it is officially Spring, a time of beauty where plants spring into life and also a time of season allergies. Ocular allergies, commonly referred to as “eye allergies” are one of these Spring frustrations that millions of people deal with every year. If you suffer from Spring allergies, then you might end up having to deal with watery and/or irritated red eyes.

So What Causes Spring Allergies?

Well, a lot of things, but in the spring there are two types of allergies that you need to look out for:

  1. Seasonal Allergies: These are the common allergies that your eyes become subjected to and definitely very big in the Spring. These are caused by allergies to pollen from bloom plant life such as weeds, grass and trees.
  2. Perennial Allergies: These last throughout the year and are usually caused by allergies to dust and different animals. Smoke can also trigger an allergic response as well as colognes and pollution.

There are plenty of times when you can easily identify the cause of your allergic reactions, but seeing a doctor might be necessary to determine what is triggering your allergic reactions. Once you figure out what it is that is bothering you, there are things that can be done to help reduce your exposure to those allergens.

Here are some useful tips on how you can limit your exposure to allergens:

  • If the pollen counts are high, stay inside!
  • If you are a contacts user, then you should consider removing them when you go outdoors because they can accumulate airborne allergens like pollen. Sunglasses can help to protect your eyes from these airborne risks.
  • Your bed and pillow cases can actually get pretty dusty, so it is a good idea to regularly wash your sheets and pillowcases to limit your exposure to dust mites.
  • Cleaning the floor with a damp mop helps to keep allergens from getting airborne when you are doing Spring cleaning.
  • DO NOT rub your eyes! This only makes your allergic symptoms worse.

If your allergies are severe then it might be best for you to see a specialist. Reach out to your eye doctor regarding eye allergies if the conventional methods of fighting your allergies are producing the results you expected.


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