Blurred Horizon? Myopia Might Be To Blame | The Specialty Eye Care Centre

Blurred Horizon? Myopia Might Be To Blame

Seeing Through GlassesMyopia, or as it is commonly called “nearsightedness,” is an eye condition where objects in the distance begin to appear blurry in your vision. This particular eye condition can develop rapidly or slowly, but usually worsens more quickly during childhood and adolescence. Unfortunately, nearsightedness tends to be passed on genetically throughout the family, so if someone in your immediate family has myopia, there is a strong possibility you will develop it at some point as well.

The best way to detect nearsightedness early is to go in for regular eye exams, but if you are worried you might be suffering from nearsightedness here are some of the symptoms:

  • Objects appear blurred in the distance
  • Find yourself squinting to see things more clearly
  • Eye strain
  • Recurring headaches
  • Difficulty operating a moving vehicle—particularly at night

If you are a parent it is important to keep an eye on your children’s vision as well. It can be difficult to catch vision problems early with children because most of the time they don’t realize they are having a problems seeing. A child suffering from nearsightedness might:

  • Persistently squint
  • Sit closer to the television
  • Have grades in school suddenly start to drop
  • Not notice objects in the distance
  • Blink an abnormal amount
  • Rub his or her eyes frequently
  • Have recurring headaches

When should I consult my eye doctor?

If you are having difficulty seeing things in the distance clearly and it is affecting your quality of life in any way, then you should absolutely consult your eye doctor and undergo an eye exam. Only an eye doctor can fully determine the degree of your nearsightedness and recommend the best method of vision correction for you.

Though considered to be a rare complication of myopia, it is important to seek medical attention immediately if you experience sudden flashes, floaters, or shadows covering parts of your field of vision, because these are signs of a more serious complication called retinal detachment.


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