February 2016 | The Specialty Eye Care Centre

Monthly Archives: February 2016

4 Leafy Greens That Are Good For Your Sight


Eating healthy is generally associated with maintaining good heart health, but in all actuality eating healthy helps out a lot more than your heart. Your eyes actually benefit from good nutrition as much as the rest of your body. Many turn to the use of nutritional supplements to help with eye nutrition, but there are… Read More

5 Things You Can Do To Protect Your Vision From Macular Degeneration

Woman and Man Embracing

Age-Related Macular Degeneration (AMD) is a very common eye condition among senior citizens. AMD damages your central vision, which makes it difficult to recognize faces, write, read, paint, and do really anything that involves making out the small details. This makes it a real problem for the older crowd. Thankfully, today we have devised some… Read More

Blurred Horizon? Myopia Might Be To Blame

Seeing Through Glasses

Myopia, or as it is commonly called “nearsightedness,” is an eye condition where objects in the distance begin to appear blurry in your vision. This particular eye condition can develop rapidly or slowly, but usually worsens more quickly during childhood and adolescence. Unfortunately, nearsightedness tends to be passed on genetically throughout the family, so if… Read More


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